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The 5 Missional Shifts Workshop
The 5 Missional Shifts Workshop
God doesn't need a mission for His Church, but rather a Church for His mission. The Church’s mission follows Jesus' mission - to demonstrate the Kingdom that is good news to the poor and announce the King who heals the broken hearted and sets the captives free. We are all invited to become full citizens of this kingdom.
As God the Father sends the Son, and God the Father and the Son send the Spirit, so God the Father and the Son and the Spirit send the Church, each into our Call.
The 5 Missional Shifts Workshop is designed for church pastors and leadership teams. The workshop consists of 4 weekly sessions of 1.5 hours each.
In community we will inspire fresh thinking around how spiritual formation, organizational structures, intentions, priorities, and dynamics of decision making influence a church's capacity to engage meaningfully in the work of Kingdom justice and mission in the world.
If you are questioning:
How do we measure the health and success of our church?
How do we assess our impact on our generation? Our intimacy with and formation in Christ? Our walk together in love?
How can church structures be shaped to release the Kingdom impact potential of my congregation instead of limiting it?
How do we want our people to understand who they are and the role they play in the world?
How does spiritual formation play a role in the kingdom-driven church?
Then maybe it’s time for a perspective shift…
Shift 1: From Church Growth to Kingdom Impact
Shift 2: From Education to Formation
Shift 3: From Creating Members to Developing Sent Ones
Shift 4: From Centralized Mission to Decentralized Mission
Shift 5: From Culturally Relevant to Culturally Prophetic
Facilitator: This course will be facilitated by an experienced ReWire team member
Location: This entire course and cohort will be hosted virtually, live in the ReWire Hub
What is ReWireU?
ReWireU is ReWire's online center for missional living and offers a variety of easily accessible spiritual formation courses and cohorts. Our virtual formation courses are facilitated live, by experienced ReWire directors. Each course space is private to those participating in each cohort and our environments are intended to be dynamic, offering true spiritual formation online.
Why ReWire?
ReWire trains people, pastors, and communities to be contemplatives in action. Over the past 15 years we developed and honed a discipleship process for a new era that addresses our deepest need for intimacy with God, impact on our generation, and walking together in love. We team with individuals and church leaders to create highly committed missional communities who bring the hope of Jesus and serve as a healing force in the broken places of the world. Learn more about our story and how we engage our generation.
Feel free to reach out to us to learn more, we're always happy to connect.