Missional Leader Cohort
Often the Church has not considered developing people to live as missionaries as its primary task - nor has the Church been structured to help people discover and live out their God-given calling.
The Missional Leader Cohort equips pastors to lead their churches through the missional spiritual formation process. This two year program includes retreats, coaching, spiritual direction, and experiential learning.
Now is the time for a new kind of discipleship, one that is rooted in a deep experience of Christ’s love and in the redemptive work of Christ in places of pain around the world.
ReWire’s Missional Leader Cohorts (MLC) provide support and training to help pastors and missional leaders mobilize their congregations. In ReWire, we recognize the difficulty of creating such an environment. However, we have hope that it's possible for churches to become gatherings of missionaries because we've seen it happen and we have taken the time to understand what works.
The MLC is a set of 5 retreats over two years that are designed to provide direction for you to rethink, retool, and renew your leadership. This is done in a community of pastors and leaders who are on the same missional journey.
ReWire’s approach assumes the following:
Missionaries can be developed
It is the role of the church to develop missionaries
Every member has a call to participate in God’s redemptive plan
Mission spiritual formation is the best way to create long-term, vision-directed, and Kingdom-focused missionaries
You will be given tools for your journey:
Training skills as a missional spiritual director
Tried and tested material and methods for missional discipleship
Establishment of a network of pastors for mutual learning and support
Access to ReWire’s courses for your congregation
Beyond: A weekly curriculum designed to help members discover and live out their life calling in a community of committed Christians. Classes in the Beyond series can be customized to the needs of each church.
Deep Waters: A monthly course that will train your leaders over a 10 month period. This is done through a guided spiritual direction process. It will equip your congregational leaders to implement our Beyond process.
After the first two retreats, MLC members will have access to Deep Waters and Beyond curriculum and can start teaching it in their congregations. After the full 24-month program, MLC participants will have access to all Deep Waters curriculum, Beyond curriculum, and all ReWire programs. This process will yield a small group of activated agents that will fuel missional change in your congregation.
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Why ReWire?
ReWire trains people, pastors, and communities to be contemplatives in action. Over the past 15 years we developed and honed a discipleship process for a new era that addresses our deepest need for intimacy with God, impact on our generation, and walking together in love. We team with individuals and church leaders to create highly committed missional communities who bring the hope of Jesus and serve as a healing force in the broken places of the world. Learn more about our story and how we engage our generation.
Feel free to reach out to us to learn more, we're always happy to connect.