Missional Spiritual Direction
Certificate Program
In partnership with ReWire
Missional Spiritual Direction Certificate Program
The Missional Spiritual Direction Certification Program is a two-year cohort program through Bakke Graduate University in partnership with ReWire.
Missional spiritual direction is a form of spiritual direction that emphasizes the connection between personal spiritual growth (inward journey) and the mission of God in the world (outward journey). It is a process in which a spiritual director guides an individual to discern how their spiritual journey intersects with God's mission, and how they can participate in that mission through their unique gifts and calling.
This type of spiritual direction seeks to help individuals deepen their relationship with God, discern their purpose, and engage in mission-oriented activities that align with their spiritual journey. Missional spiritual direction focuses on helping individuals to see how their faith intersects with their daily life and work, in order to use their talents and passions to make a positive impact in the world around them.
What is Missional Spiritual Formation?
Missional Spiritual Formation (MSF) refers to the intentional process of developing one's spiritual life with a focus on living out the mission of God in the world. MSF involves cultivating a deep and personal relationship with God through spiritual practices in prayer, meditation, and contemplation, while also actively engaging in the work of God's kingdom.
The missional aspect of spiritual formation emphasizes the importance of seeing oneself as a participant in God's mission to reconcile the world to Himself, and actively seeking to join in that mission through one's actions and relationships. This involves a focus on both personal transformation and outward expression of one's faith in tangible ways, such as serving the marginalized and sharing the good news with those who have yet to hear it.
Overall, Missional Spiritual Formation is a holistic approach to developing one's spiritual life that seeks to integrate personal growth with a commitment to the mission of God in the world.
About the Training
The Missional Spiritual Direction Program provides Spiritual Director training with missional group direction. During the two year BGU certified program, you will be trained in spiritual formation on a personal level and as a director.
Being equipped to provide spiritual companionship by living in:
Deeper union with God
Authentic community
The mission of God
For More Information or to Apply
Email Dr. Bruce Jackson (Director of the Missional Spiritual Direction Center) for an application, directions to register, or further questions
Why ReWire?
ReWire trains people, pastors, and communities to be contemplatives in action. Over the past 15 years we developed and honed a discipleship process for a new era that addresses our deepest need for intimacy with God, impact on our generation, and walking together in love. We team with individuals and church leaders to create highly committed missional communities who bring the hope of Jesus and serve as a healing force in the broken places of the world. Learn more about our story and how we engage our generation.
Feel free to reach out to us to learn more, we're always happy to connect.