Advanced Formation Pathways

ReWireU+PLUS Advanced Formation Pathways

ReWireU+PLUS Advanced Formation Pathways offer unique opportunities to individuals and communities looking for deeper, more intensive formation experiences. Formation Pathways are designed to more fully engage ReWire’s entire Missional Spiritual Formation process and lead towards, equip, and establish Kingdom Outposts and Kingdom Outpost leaders.

All ReWireU+PLUS Advanced Pathways require a ReWireU+PLUS Membership to participate.

Click the button below for more about ReWireU+PLUS Memberships and to sign-up today!

Ignatian Adventure

Spiritual Exercises Group

  • The Ignatian Adventure Group will traverse this 32-week journey together using Fr. Kevin O’Brien’s The Ignatian Adventure: Experiencing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius in Daily Life as a guide. Engaging the Spiritual Exercises as a group adds integral levels of accountability and mutual discovery throughout the process.

    Groups will meet weekly for 1.5 hours online for reflective sharing and group direction, under the care and leadership of experienced ReWire facilitators. The entire Ignatian Adventure group journey will be hosted virtually, live in the ReWire Hub.

  • The Ignatian Adventure is for anyone looking to go deeper into the practice and rhythms of consistent contemplative prayer alongside the fellowship and accountability of a contemplative sharing group.

    No level of knowledge or expertise in practice is necessary for this group. Never done contemplative prayer before? No problem. This 32-week journey is accessible and practical to anyone looking to deepen their contemplative journey.

  • Ignatian Adventure cohorts meet weekly online via the ReWire Hub platform. The cohort will share a private group space where participants can join meetings, share resources, and interact with material.

    Currently, there is one Ignatian Adventure cohort meeting weekly through May. With enough interest, we may decide to launch another cohort, so please click the “Learn More” button and let us know if you are interested in participating. Otherwise, look for a new cohort launch Fall, 2025.

    Ignatian Adventure Groups are a ReWire Advanced Program which requires each participant to be a ReWireU+ subscriber ($50/month).


Equipping Leaders Who Create Change Agents

  • Synergy is a self-paced journey through the core pillars of missional spiritual formation and ReWire pedagogy. While you determine the timing of your progress through the Synergy journey, we accompany you every step of the way. With regularly planned consistency, we partner you with an experienced ReWire director to walk with you, guide your development, and be invested in your progress.

    At the end of your journey, we celebrate your accomplishment and discipline with a Missional Spiritual Formation Certificate - signifying your capacity to disciple others through ReWire’s formation pathways.

    The Synergy Journey is organized into modules that, if consistently completed on a weekly basis, will require around 2 years for completion. The journey is arranged into two phases. The first phase is called “Soul Care” and focuses primarily on your personal leadership development as a missional spiritual formation leader.

    Soul Care [Approx. 1 Year]

    • Human Condition

    • Solidarity with the Poor

    • Contemplation

    • Nonviolent Communication

    The second phase of the Synergy journey will shift the development focus to your outward leadership and development of others. In this phase, you will learn ReWire pedagogy and kingdom ecclesiology. We call this second phase “Soul Prep”.

    Soul Prep [Approx. 1 Year]

    • Kingdom

    • Anti-Racism

    • Pedagogy

    • Missional Church

  • Synergy is for any church, mission, or discipleship leader who desires to learn how to disciples others in missional spiritual formation.

  • Interested participants in the Synergy journey can register anytime. Once registration is complete, we will contact the registrant to set up an initial conversation to discuss the details of the process, arrange a ReWire guide, and decide on dates to start the Synergy process.

Deep Waters

Missional Community Intensive

  • Deep Waters is a 1-year covenant community formation intensive. The Deep Waters process is designed for missionally centered micro-communities in order to establish sustainability in formation, community, and mission. This community focused intensive builds a formational framework for deep commitments to authentic kingdom community, contemplative rhythms, and missional/justice work amongst the marginalized and oppressed.

    At its core, the Deep Waters Program guides a small community of believers who surrender themselves to be part of God’s restoration project for the world; a Kingdom Outpost that reflects God’s character and love in our neighborhoods.

    The Deep Waters Curriculum equips a missional heart to live in an intentional community and model solidarity with the poor. For one year, you will journey inward to explore how God is moving in you, your community and your neighborhood. You will also move outward with your community to share God’s love with the poor and marginalized.

  • Deep Waters is a covenant community formation pathway - meaning, this process is for small community groups who are ready and able to covenant together for this full year process. Deep Waters is also for leaders who are looking to start a new Kingdom Outpost community. The goal, by the end of the intensive year, is a Kingdom Outpost community.

    Deep Waters is accessible to established Kingdom Outposts, new Kingdom Outpost communities, and developing Kingdom Outpost leaders.

  • We can host Deep Waters online or in-person - all we need is for you to reach out and tell us about your community!

    We will also offer open-enrollment to online Deep Waters periodically through ReWireU. These open-enrollment opportunities are focused on new and developing Kingdom Outpost leaders. Do you want to start your own Kingdom Outpost community? Deep Waters through ReWireU might be the best way for you to get started!

    Woven is a ReWire Advanced Program which requires each participant in your group to be a ReWireU+ subscriber ($50/month).

  • Woven is a 12-week intensive designed for mission/justice focused micro-communities - or, small community groups beginning the process of committing to authentic community, contemplative formation, and missional work together. For these micro-communities, Woven is an introduction to ReWire’s missional formation process, intended to provide formation and guidance to both the community and the individuals within that community.

    The outline and content for Woven are reimagined from three of ReWire's most popular Beyond classes: Centered Living, Life in the Kingdom, and Call.

    Woven groups will meet once per week for 1.5 hours on date/time arranged between the group and facilitator. In addition to weekly group meetings, participants are provided with a Woven Journal to guide daily rhythms of prayer, reading, and praxis.

  • Woven was developed with small, missionally focused groups in mind: micro-churches, justice and mission organizations and teams, intentional communities, etc.

    Woven is accessible for groups that are established as well as groups that are just forming and looking for direction.

  • We offer Woven on a 'per request' basis - meaning, we're ready when you are! Let's get the conversation started. Once you reach out to us about your group's interest in Woven, we'll talk, decide on the best dates/times for meetings, and get a plan in action to get started.

    Woven is a ReWire Advanced Program which requires each participant in your group to be a ReWireU+PLUS member ($50/month).

Spirituality for Missional Communities


Additional Advanced Pathways

These Advanced Pathways do not qualify for ReWireU+PLUS membership benefits. However, ReWire does offer these pathways - they will simply have an additional cost associated with them or are done in partnership with another organization. These additional pathways are also done in-person and are not available in an online format.

Learn the ReWire Formation Process and Pedagogy

Missional Leader Cohort

  • Create disciples in the ReWire method and charism!

    Missional Leader Cohorts (MLC) are a set of 5 retreats over two years that are designed to provide direction for you to rethink, retool, and renew your leadership. This is done in a community of pastors/leaders who are on the same missional journey.

    After the first two retreats, MLC members will have access to Deep Waters and Beyond curriculum and can start teaching it in their congregations. After the full 24-month program, MLC participants will have access to all Deep Waters curriculum, Beyond curriculum, and all ReWire programs. This process will yield a small group of activated agents that will fuel missional change in your congregation.


    • Training basic skills as a missional spiritual director.

    • Tried and tested material and methods for mission discipleship.

    • Establishment of a network of pastors for mutual learning and support.

  • Missional Leader Cohorts are for church pastors, faith-based organization leaders, and spiritual teachers who are interested in learning ReWire formation and pedagogy for the purpose of facilitating ReWire spiritual development in their own spaces.

  • We are always looking for new opportunities to start another local Missional Leader Cohort. We prefer to host these retreats in-person and on-site at a retreat space.

    If you would like to help us assemble a local group of pastors and leaders in your area, please reach out to us!

Missional Spiritual Direction

Certificate Program through Bakke Graduate University

  • The Missional Spiritual Direction Certification Program is a two-year cohort program through Bakke Graduate University in partnership with ReWire.

    Missional spiritual direction is a form of spiritual direction that emphasizes the connection between personal spiritual growth (inward journey) and the mission of God in the world (outward journey). It is a process in which a spiritual director guides an individual to discern how their spiritual journey intersects with God's mission, and how they can participate in that mission through their unique gifts and calling.

    This type of spiritual direction seeks to help individuals deepen their relationship with God, discern their purpose, and engage in mission-oriented activities that align with their spiritual journey. Missional spiritual direction focuses on helping individuals to see how their faith intersects with their daily life and work, in order to use their talents and passions to make a positive impact in the world around them.

  • The Missional Spiritual Direction Program provides Spiritual Director training with missional group direction. During the two year BGU certified program, you will be trained in spiritual formation on a personal level and as a director.

    This program is for participants desiring Graduate level instruction who desire to practice Missional Spiritual Direction.

  • For more Information or to apply:

    Email Dr. Bruce Jackson (Director of the Missional Spiritual Direction Center) for an application, directions to register, or further questions.

Have questions? We’d love to help.