Course Catalog

ReWire Formation

Our resources have been curated by experienced church and ministry leaders, ensuring that they are relevant, practical, and effective. We understand the unique challenges that churches and contemplative missionaries face, and our resources are designed to help you develop and grow as a leader, a congregation, or a community trying to be the church in your city.

We invite you to explore our collection of resources and discover how they can better equip you and your church in fulfilling your mission.

ReWireU Formation Courses

All ReWireU courses are facilitated live in private online cohort environments on the ReWire Hub platform. Live courses are offered on quarterly rotation throughout the year.

Life in the Kingdom

Living the Mission of God

  • God’s desire is that all people live a life of love for God and love for their neighbor. This kind of love works for a just, reconciled, and peaceful world where people are liberated from all forms of oppression and treated with God-given dignity. As a community, we will explore the values of the Kingdom and how to live in such a way that we can sustain an “other-focused” lifestyle.

  • Life in the Kingdom is a 10-week, cohort based course. Each week will consist of one group class session (1.5 hrs.) and daily rhythms of prayer, learning, and action. Like all ReWire formation, the structure and dynamic of this course is built to reflect our Inward, Outward, Together discipleship process.

  • Registration is open for this cohort!

    • March 26th - May 28th

    • Meeting weekly for 10 weeks on Wednesday evenings, from 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Central Time.

    • Hosted virtually on the ReWire Hub Platform

    • Cost: $100 [Free for all ReWireU subscribers]

Character of a Change Agent

Finding the Strength to Love

  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s life serves as a template for putting God’s love into action for the causes of justice and peace. As a community, we will look at the life and teachings of MLK to learn about the kind of character one needs to transform the world for God. MLK Jr. embodied the love, truth, and courage needed to advocate for social change. We explore how we too can find the strength to love..

  • Character of a Change Agent is a 10-week, cohort based course. Each week will consist of one group class session (1.5 hrs.) and daily rhythms of prayer, learning, and action. Like all ReWire formation, the structure and dynamic of this course is built to reflect our Inward, Outward, Together discipleship process.

  • Registration is open for this cohort.

    • April 8th - June 10th

    • Meeting weekly for 10 weeks on Tuesday evenings, from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Central Time.

    • Hosted virtually on the ReWire Hub Platform

    • Cost: $100 [Free for all ReWireU subscribers]

Centered Living

Rhythms for an Integrated Life

  • Many of us long for set aside time of listening to God and being in His presence. Centered Living introduces spiritual disciplines that bring people into the presence of God. These disciplines are not a legalistic set of rules, but rather practices that, through grace, tap into the healing and transforming love of God. As a community, we will explore and experience different disciplines, including meditation, silence, fasting, and solitude. Through the process, we will experience the reality that these disciplines are meant to heal the heart, not burden the soul.

  • Centered Living is a 10-week, cohort based course. Each week will consist of one group class session (1.5 hrs.) and daily rhythms of prayer, learning, and action. Like all ReWire formation, the structure and dynamic of this course is built to reflect our Inward, Outward, Together discipleship process.

  • Click the “Learn More” button below to discover more about this class and to request to receive notifications about the next time we offer this course.

Cultural Captivity

A Pathway to Freedom

  • The apostle Paul warns us to be in the world but not of the world. This adage is relevant today as worldly cultural values and norms become the common Christian experience. People of faith pursue success, power, money, security, and comfort in lieu of the Kingdom of God. The pursuit of these cultural values destroys Kingdom vision for our lives. We need a rekindled prophetic imagination to strip culture of its power over us. As a community, we will see how each of us is addicted to our culture and begin the process of freedom from these cultural addictions.

  • Cultural Captivity is a 10-week, cohort based course. Each week will consist of one group class session (1.5 hrs.) and daily rhythms of prayer, learning, and action. Like all ReWire formation, the structure and dynamic of this course is built to reflect our Inward, Outward, Together discipleship process.

  • Click the “Learn More” button below to discover more about this class and to request to receive notifications about the next time we offer this course.


Discovering Your Call in Community

  • Call is a passion that, when activated, not only brings healing to a hurting world, but also brings healing to your own soul. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to engage your passion for the Kingdom of God? This class could be the place to begin discovering just that. As a community, we will learn how to discern God’s voice from the voices of family, friends, culture, and self. We will explore how God has used our experiences to form us into people uniquely prepared to serve the Kingdom.

  • Call is a 10-week, cohort based course. Each week will consist of one group class session (1.5 hrs.) and daily rhythms of prayer, learning, and action. Like all ReWire formation, the structure and dynamic of this course is built to reflect our Inward, Outward, Together discipleship process.

  • Click on “Learn More” for more details about this course and to sign up to receive notifications when this course is available again in the future.

Care for the Poor

Jesus’ Way of Community Transformation

  • Jesus is our example of the ultimate servant. He lived among us, walked with the poor, had a heart of humility, and displayed self-offering love. His servant character is what we should strive to imitate. As a community, we will explore the kind of heart change necessary to do this, as well as the practical question of how to live it out.

  • Care for the Poor is a 10-week, cohort based course. Each week will consist of one group class session (1.5 hrs.) and daily rhythms of prayer, learning, and action. Like all ReWire formation, the structure and dynamic of this course is built to reflect our Inward, Outward, Together discipleship process.

  • Click the “Learn More” button below to sign up to receive notification when this class is available again.

ReWireU Workshops & Contemplative Dialogue Groups

Workshops are similar to our core formation courses, but are typically shorter in duration (under 10 weeks). Workshops are facilitated to maximize group interaction and learning through practice.

Contemplative Dialogue Groups are discussion based cohort communities hosted by ReWire facilitators. Topics for these dialogue groups may change and develop over time, based on interest. Is there a topic you would like to see as a Contemplative Dialogue Group? Let us know!

Human Condition Workshop

True Self Vs. False Self

  • Every single person is created as a reflection of the Divine. We are God's image bearers - created with intention and for a purpose... but, we don't always live fully into that intention, do we? True, we are created for compassion, beauty, love for our community and intimacy with our Creator, but when you sprinkle in some basic human needs, some pain associated with the satisfaction of those needs, some soul wounds we experience when we try to rationalize our pain, and a web of woven false narratives that we accept as our own truth... things start getting complicated.

    This workshop is a 6-week dive into the Human Condition. We'll face the net of false narratives and accusations we've bought into, explore where they may have started, and acknowledge how our behaviors and attitudes are effected now so that we can start untangling from the False Self and experiencing the freedom of the True Self.

  • Human Condition is a 6-week, cohort based workshop. Each week will consist of one group class session (1.5 hrs.) and weekly rhythms of contemplative prayer and reflection. Like all ReWire formation, the structure and dynamic of this course is built to reflect our Inward, Outward, Together discipleship process.

  • Register now to join the next cohort, coming soon through ReWireU!

    • April 14th - May 19th

    • Meeting weekly for 6 weeks on Monday evenings, from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Central Time.

    • Hosted virtually on the ReWire Hub Platform

    • Cost: $100 [Free for all ReWireU subscribers]

Nonviolent Communication

Learning and Practice Workshop

  • This workshopping community is focused on learning and practice based on the book "Nonviolent Communication" by Marshall Rosenberg. Workshops provide space for individuals eager to delve into the transformative principles of compassionate communication. Guided by Rosenberg's method, participants learn and engage in discussion and practice aimed at fostering empathy, deepening self-awareness, and refining communication skills.

  • Nonviolent Communication is a 10-week, cohort based workshop. Each week will consist of one group class session (1.5 hrs.)

  • Click “Learn More” for more details about this course and to sign up to receive notifications when we host this workshop again in the future.

The 5 Missional Shifts

A Workshop for Church Leaders

  • God doesn't need a mission for His Church, but rather a Church for His mission. The Church’s mission follows Jesus' mission - to demonstrate the Kingdom that is good news to the poor and announce the King who heals the broken hearted and sets the captives free. We are all invited to become full citizens of this kingdom.

    As God the Father sends the Son, and God the Father and the Son send the Spirit, so God the Father and the Son and the Spirit send the Church, each into our Call.

    The 5 Missional Shifts Workshop is designed for church pastors and leadership teams. The purpose of this workshop is to inspire fresh thinking around how the structures, intentions, and dynamics of decision making influence a church’s capacity to engage meaningfully in the work of kingdom justice and mission in the world.

  • The 5 Missional Shifts Workshop consists of four weekly sessions over the course of four weeks. Each session is 1.5 hours.

  • Click the “Learn More” button below to sign up to receive notification when this class is available again.

Go Deeper.

Check out ReWireU+PLUS Advanced Formation Pathways

More From ReWire Staff

We Wrote a Book!

Written by ReWire Staff, SACRED is a collection of retreat session guides intended to lead individuals or groups through reflective themes of belovedness, freedom, and service.

Purchase SACRED Reflection Retreats on Amazon.

Podcast Hosted by Seth Dickson

Soul Search brings together storytelling and spirituality in an immersive listening experience.

The most sacred of journeys is discovering our deepest self. It's a complex, emotional and beautiful path. And it's a very personal experience. Yet other people's journeys can tell us about our own. We blend of storytelling and meditative soundscapes so that you feel something. These are stories without judgment. We let them breathe, leaving the mystery intact, so that they speak for themselves.

Hosted by Tony Duppong and Dan Lee

Guided contemplative prayer meditations to lead you into a deeper, more intimate experience of God.

Join Tony and Dan each week as we guide you through a contemplative meditation practice. Press play, sit back, and follow along as we lead you through contemplative practices both ancient and modern, with the simple intention of creating space for you to experience God deeply in communion.

Have questions? We’d love to help.